
Pricing 2021-09-28T15:14:47+00:00

Created by Physicians for Health Care Professionals

iMedLogics™ is a physician-created application that allows patients to complete their comprehensive medical history at home without time constraints or waiting room anxiety.  Designed to help integrative medical professionals promote a higher standard of patient care while streamlining their practice, iMedLogics helps to build higher referral rates.

iMedLogics™ identifies chronic health problems that are especially challenging to crystallize and goes far beyond simply gathering patients’ information conveniently. After patients submit their information back to you, iMedLogics provides an immediate analysis from that information and summarizes it in a report for your review;  all prior to their first appointment.   There is also a multitude of cutting edge research library(s) and interactive worksheets designed to track patient treatment progress.

Clinicians are discovering the value of having iMedLogics™Software in today’s patient and practice management. This affordable and secured software program is quickly becoming a staple in practices throughout the health care industry.

Individual Physician


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  • Unlimited Patients
  • 7 Reference Libraries
  • Unlimited Clinical Notes