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Whether you practice telemedicine or hold live face to face visits, iMedlogics™ is one of the most essential tools you’ll ever use. Even before you and your patient come face to face, iMedlogics™ gives you a comprehensive integrative health history analysis that guides your clinical decision making for optimal treatment outcomes.

Why Use Our Tools?

Using iMedLogics™ saves you time, money, and increases practice volume.  78% of a working diagnosis is made from a good health history.  Imagine having a working diagnosis before you even see a patient for the first time without having to labor through piles of medical records.  iMedLogics™ provides a Comprehensive Integrative Health History Analysis for your new patients.  However, it doesn’t stop there.  iMedLogics™ supports you throughout  treatment of your patients with a multitude of tools that monitors patient progress to treatment  and gathers information for follow up visits.  Discover how iMedLogics™ allows you to see more patients, keeps you on schedule, improves doctor/patient relationships, patient compliance, and produces better treatment outcomes.

  • Comprehensive Patient History Analysis
    This electronic questionnaire gathers an in depth patient health history and produces a comprehensive integrative medicine analysis, pointing to a working diagnosis.
  • Clinical Notes
    Includes 8 different clinical notes for patient management that are formulated for the program’s electronic patient file or downloaded for co-management.
  • Wellness Journals
    5 interactive patient journals that monitor response to treatment.
  • Signs and Symptoms Analysis
    Gives a rating of suspected body system dysfunction/conditions in 18 categories.
  • Safe and Secure
    IMedLogics has taken measures to ensure that your patient information is secure on our servers.
  • Reference Libraries
    – Herbal Dictionary and Herbal Medicine
    – Integrative Dermatology
    – Blood Chemistry
    – Homeopathic Medicine
    – Drug Induced Conditions
    – Nutraceutical & Functional Foods
    – Health Conditions
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iMedLogics™ drives good doctor/patient relationships, which means higher patient compliance, successful treatment outcomes, and a higher referral rate.

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